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Often our loved ones during their lifetime express a desire to be cremated after death. We will help and support you, respecting the wishes of the deceased, and respectfully organise a farewell ceremony for the deceased.
We will provide the entire organisation process, from the preparation of documents to the organisation of the farewell ceremony itself, both on site in our office and remotely, having carefully listened to and taken into account all your wishes in this matter.
Often our loved ones during their lifetime express a desire to be cremated after death. We will help and support you, respecting the wishes of the deceased, and respectfully organise a farewell ceremony for the deceased.
We will provide the entire organisation process, from the preparation of documents to the organisation of the farewell ceremony itself, both on site in our office and remotely, having carefully listened to and taken into account all your wishes in this matter.
When you receive a certificate of death from the emergency medical service, you need to contact us and order transportation of the deceased to the mortuary.
Our team will provide you with a free consultation and will be available 24 hours a day to help you organise the farewell ceremony before cremation. We will take care of all the worries about transporting the deceased for cremation, and after the procedure is completed, we will deliver you a cremation capsule with accompanying documents.
Arrangement of the date, time and place of the ceremony
Selection of cremation accessories
Choosing funeral flowers
Our funeral home will always provide you with funeral services with great care and respect.
We always strive to provide the highest quality of work so that our customers feel supported and well-informed about the details of the process, entrusting us with this important responsibility – to accompany their loved ones on their final journey with dignity and respect.
Angel repatriation transportēja manu tēvu Pēteri J.no Polijas uz Latviju . Sadarbības laikā uzņēmums ievērojis visus termiņus un sniedza labu kvalitāti. Ar cenu biju ļoti apmierināta.
Angel repatriation pierādīja sevi ka uzticamu kompāniju. Viņi manu brāli Kristapu O. , transportēja no Īrijas uz Latviju. Šis uzņēmums sniedza kvalitatīvus pakalpojumus.
Biju Angel pakalpojumu saņēmēja. Paldies, ka visu sakārtoja un izdarīja pēc sirdsapziņas. Tas bija pirms pieciem gadiem. Ceru, ka nekas nav mainījies. Tik grūtos, skumjos brīžos ir svarīgi, lai blakus ir atsaucīgi un godīgi cilvēki!
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